Friday, September 12, 2008

School Holiday Enrichment Programmes - MoneyTree Singapore Programme

School Holiday Enrichment Programmes

Exams are round the corner, and every soon school holiday are here again.

Looking for good programmes for your children/kids? But the children are not enthusiastic about "more" courses as they have been studying the whole year through, and wanted a good break.

How about consider a course or workshops that's going to be FUN filled, and yet teaches them something valuable?

MoneyTree Programme for Kids/Teens aged 9 years to 22 years old.

We teaches kids & teens about financial education through an fun and interactive workshops.

In a world where many young adults age 30 years and below are getting into debts, especially credit cards debts, it is very important that we start to teach our children the right Money habits and also to help them understand the various investments instruments that are available to them when they go to college or university.

Don't take our word for it, come for our next Parenting Workshop to know :
"How to Develop Financial Savvy Kids" in Singapore

Parents attend the workshop and the kids will have a lesson about Money Matters. MoneyTree Currency (MTC) money to be used during the session, and the kids will use it for an Auction at the end of the session.

The last Parenting workshop we have kids winning MP4 player - what will be the TOP Prize this time round?

Dates :
* 20 Sept (Saturday) - 2.30pm to 4.30pm
* 21 Sept (Sunday) - 2.30pm to 4.30pm

Venue : SCWO Centre - Waterloo Street

Register with : Martin Lee
Email to : or SMS to 9641-8073

Information needed : Yr Name & Contact Number, Number of Kids & their
ages who is attending the Workshop.

You can also visit our web-site :

BOOK NOW to reserve your seats TODAY !!!

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